A power divider divides an incoming signal into two (or more) output signals. In the ideal case, a power divider can be considered loss-less, but in practice there is always some power loss. Power dividers and combiners are often referred to as splitters. While this is technically correct, engineers typically reserve the word "Splitter" to mean an inexpensive resistive structure that splits power over very wide bandwidth, but has considerable loss and limited power handling. When choosing which type of divider or combiner to use, it's important to consider isolation. High isolation means that incident signals (in a combiner) don't interfere with each other, and any energy that isn;t sent to the output is dissipated rather than sent to an output port. Different types of dividers handle this in different ways.
Frequency Band
25Mhz ~ 6000 Mhz (6GH)
Coverage for commercial building/hotel for 4G/LTE or Internal VHF / UHF radios